Transform Arte, Art Fair Eisenstadt

Lex Candy

After playing in many bands, Lex Candy finally decided in 2021 that it was the right time to get sober, end all toxic relationships, and write new material for the best version of themselves.

Coming from the DIY punk scene, the new direction fit so well that everything changed for the better. It’s pop with an indie vibe and a touch of pop punk.

The debut EP, “You’ve done the right thing, let’s move on and Celebration Life,” was released in March 2023 and gained attention from local radio stations and international press. The follow-up single, “Butterflies,” was released on June 23rd and is about love and the feeling of freedom, serving as a reminder of how beautiful life can be during difficult times. “Butterflies” has already caught the attention of international press as well as national and international radio stations like Fm4 and more. This is just the beginning. Lex has a bright horizon ahead and will regularly release new music.

Lex Candy – Solo Acoustic Set at TRANSFORM-ARTE on Saturday, September 9th, 2023 at 4:00 PM. Enjoy Pop with an indie vibe and a touch of pop punk