Transform Arte, Art Fair Eisenstadt

Jutta Brunsteiner

Born and studied geography (undergraduate degree) in Salzburg; Jutta Brunsteiner lives and works in Salzburg and Burgenland.

Artistic education/mentors: Prof. Schmegner, Prof. Zenzmeier, Prof. Brandstätter;

Guest auditor at Mozarteum University, distance learning at Trier Art Academy;

Summer Academy Salzburg (Zhou Brothers; Paulina Olowska);

Study stays: Italy, Spain, USA, Canada.

Scholarships/foreign stays: Italy (2x), USA, Finland, Germany, Georgia (2x), Vienna.

International symposia: Austria, Lithuania, Italy.

Exhibitions and participation in exhibitions: Austria, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Germany, Bosnia, Spain, Oman, Georgia.

Teaching activities: music high school, workshops in Georgia and Austria.

Various publications and public acquisitions.