Transform Arte, Art Fair Eisenstadt


Corinna Trichtl lives and works in Burgenland.

She is a teacher for German & Art, an artist, author, certified art therapist, and owner of the kids4art® art school in Eisenstadt.

Magenta Pictures = magical realism (expressive portraits!).

She values art promotion for the youngest (6-18 years old). Works by children/adolescents on various themes, techniques, and materials are also exhibited.

„Kids4art® Artschool“ On Saturday, 09th and Sunday, 10th of September, from 01:00  to 04:00 PM: Painting-Workshop for kids with Corinna Trichtl at the TRANSFORM-ARTE

– Still life with charcoal
– Airbrush Pictures
– Watercolor

kids4art® Artschool for kids and teens age 6 – 18 yrs