Transform Arte, Art Fair Eisenstadt

Alfred Melchert

Born on 09.02.1961 in Vienna, he completed his Matura (Austrian high school diploma) in 1979 with a specialization in visual arts. In 1979/80, he attended the University of Applied Arts as a guest student under Prof. BazonBrock. From 1981 to 1983, he took courses at the artistic adult education center (VHS), including studying under Prof. Fritz Martinz. In 1982/83, he exhibited his work, including at the old Vienna South Station. From 1983 to 1990, he studied law while also working on private projects, for magazines, and commissioned works. From 2013 to 2019, he attended numerous workshops and seminars. In 2016, he was accepted into the Professional Association of Visual Artists in Austria. In 2023, he became a lecturer at the Kunstfabrik Wien. Since 2013, he has participated in over 70 exhibitions and group exhibitions both domestically and internationally.